Does OIDC require the email claims to be included in the ID token?
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Does OIDC require the email claims to be included in the ID token?

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When it comes to implementing OpenID Connect (OIDC), one of the most common questions that arises is whether the email claim is required to be included in the ID token. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of OIDC and explore the answer to this question, along with some essential concepts and considerations to keep in mind.

What is OpenID Connect (OIDC)?

Before we dive into the specifics of OIDC and email claims, let’s take a step back and understand what OIDC is all about. OpenID Connect is an authentication layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, designed to provide a simple and standardized way for clients to verify the identity of a user. It’s an extension of OAuth 2.0 that adds an authentication layer, making it possible for clients to request and obtain basic profile information about the user.


The OIDC flow typically involves the following steps:

  1. The client (e.g., a web application) requests authorization from the authorization server (e.g., an Identity Provider).
  2. The authorization server redirects the user to the login page.
  3. The user enters their credentials and authenticates.
  4. The authorization server redirects the user back to the client with an authorization code.
  5. The client exchanges the authorization code for an ID token and an access token.
  6. The client can then use the ID token to authenticate the user and access protected resources.

The ID Token

The ID token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that contains the user’s identity and other claims. It’s issued by the authorization server and contains information about the user, such as their username, email, and profile information. The ID token is typically used for authentication and authorization purposes.

ID Token Claims

ID token claims are pieces of information about the user that are included in the ID token. Some common claims include:

  • sub: The subject identifier (e.g., the user’s username)
  • iss: The issuer of the token (e.g., the authorization server)
  • aud: The audience of the token (e.g., the client)
  • exp: The expiration time of the token
  • email: The user’s email address
  • name: The user’s full name
  • profile: The user’s profile information

Does OIDC require the email claims to be included in the ID token?

Now, let’s get to the million-dollar question: Does OIDC require the email claim to be included in the ID token?

The short answer is: no, OIDC does not require the email claim to be included in the ID token. However, it’s highly recommended to include the email claim, especially if you’re using OIDC for authentication and authorization purposes.

Why is the email claim important?

The email claim is important for several reasons:

  • Uniqueness**: The email address is a unique identifier for the user, making it possible to identify and authenticate them.
  • Verification**: The email address can be used to verify the user’s identity, especially if you’re using email-based verification mechanisms.
  • Account linking**: The email address can be used to link multiple accounts together, making it possible to provide a seamless user experience across different applications.

How to include the email claim in the ID token

So, how do you include the email claim in the ID token? The answer is simple:

You need to request the email scope when authorizing the user.

In this example, the scope parameter includes the email scope, which requests the email claim to be included in the ID token.

Best Practices for OIDC Implementation

When implementing OIDC, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure security and scalability. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Best Practice Description
Use a secure authorization server Use a secure and trusted authorization server that supports OIDC.
Validate the ID token Always validate the ID token to ensure it’s authentic and has not been tampered with.
Use HTTPS Use HTTPS to encrypt the communication between the client and the authorization server.
Implement proper error handling Implement proper error handling to handle errors and exceptions that may occur during the OIDC flow.
Use the correct scope and claims Use the correct scope and claims to request the necessary information from the authorization server.


In conclusion, OIDC does not require the email claim to be included in the ID token, but it’s highly recommended to include it, especially for authentication and authorization purposes. By understanding the OIDC flow, ID token claims, and best practices, you can implement OIDC securely and efficiently, providing a seamless user experience for your users.

Remember, including the email claim in the ID token can provide a unique identifier for the user, making it possible to verify their identity and provide a better user experience. So, the next time you’re implementing OIDC, don’t forget to request that email scope!

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on OIDC and email claims in ID tokens!

Does OIDC require the email claim to be included in the ID token?

No, OIDC does not require the email claim to be included in the ID token. However, it’s a common practice to include it, as it provides a unique identifier for the user.

What happens if the email claim is not included in the ID token?

If the email claim is not included in the ID token, the application may not be able to uniquely identify the user. In such cases, the application can request additional information from the user or use other claims to identify the user.

Can I rely solely on the email claim in the ID token for user authentication?

No, you should not rely solely on the email claim in the ID token for user authentication. OIDC provides other claims, such as the sub claim, which is a unique identifier for the user. You should use a combination of claims to ensure secure user authentication.

How do I request the email claim in the ID token?

You can request the email claim in the ID token by including the scope parameter “email” in the authorization request. For example, the authorization request might look like this:

What if the user’s email address changes? Will the email claim in the ID token be updated?

No, the email claim in the ID token will not be updated if the user’s email address changes. OIDC does not provide real-time updates to the ID token. You may need to implement additional logic to handle changes to the user’s email address.

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