spdlog and Qt – The Troubleshooting Guide: App Crashes after Sending a String to the Logger
Image by Marquitos - hkhazo.biz.id

spdlog and Qt – The Troubleshooting Guide: App Crashes after Sending a String to the Logger

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of your Qt-based application crashing unexpectedly after sending a string to the logger using spdlog? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of spdlog and Qt, explore the possible causes of this issue, and provide step-by-step solutions to get your app up and running smoothly.

Understanding spdlog and Qt

spdlog is a popular, fast, and lightweight logging library for C++, designed to be highly efficient and easy to use. Qt, on the other hand, is a cross-platform application development framework that provides a comprehensive set of libraries and tools for building GUI applications. When used together, spdlog and Qt can create powerful and robust applications. However, as with any complex systems, issues can arise.

The Problem: App Crashes after Sending a String to the Logger

When your Qt-based application crashes after sending a string to the logger using spdlog, it can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re new to these technologies. The error message might look something like this:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  cannot allocate memory in logger thread
Abort trap: 6

This error message indicates that the logger thread has encountered a memory allocation issue, leading to the application’s termination.

Cause 1: Out-of-Scope Logger Instances

One of the most common causes of this issue is the creation of logger instances with a limited scope. When a logger instance is created within a function or a narrow scope, it can lead to unexpected behavior, including crashes.

Example Code:

void myFunction() {
    spdlog::logger logger("my_logger", "my_log_file.log");
    logger.info("This is an info message");

In this example, the logger instance is created within the scope of the `myFunction()` function. When the function returns, the logger instance is destroyed, but the logger thread may still be attempting to write to the log file. This can cause the application to crash.


To avoid this issue, create logger instances with a broader scope, such as at the global level or within a singleton class. This ensures that the logger instance remains valid throughout the application’s lifetime.

spdlog::logger logger("my_logger", "my_log_file.log");

void myFunction() {
    logger.info("This is an info message");

Cause 2: Incorrect Qt Thread Handling

Qt’s threading model can sometimes lead to issues when working with spdlog. If the logger is not properly initialized and managed within the Qt thread context, it can cause crashes and unexpected behavior.

Example Code:

class MyWorker : public QObject {
    MyWorker() {
        spdlog::logger logger("my_logger", "my_log_file.log");
        logger.info("This is an info message");

In this example, the logger instance is created within a Qt thread (i.e., the `MyWorker` class). This can lead to crashes, as the logger thread may not be properly synchronized with the Qt thread.


To fix this issue, ensure that the logger instance is created and initialized within the main Qt thread context. You can achieve this by using Qt’s thread-safe logging mechanisms, such as `QMetaObject::invokeMethod()`.

class MyWorker : public QObject {
    MyWorker() {
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [&]() {
            spdlog::logger logger("my_logger", "my_log_file.log");
            logger.info("This is an info message");

Cause 3: Memory Allocation Issues

Memory allocation issues can arise when using spdlog with Qt, especially when dealing with large log files or high-volume logging. This can lead to crashes and instability in your application.

Example Code:

void myFunction() {
    spdlog::logger logger("my_logger", "my_log_file.log");
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        logger.info("This is an info message");

In this example, the logger is logging a large number of messages, which can cause memory allocation issues and lead to crashes.


To mitigate memory allocation issues, consider the following approaches:

  • Implement log rotation: Use spdlog's built-in log rotation feature to limit the size of log files and prevent memory allocation issues.
  • Use a bounded queue: Implement a bounded queue to buffer log messages and prevent overflow.
  • Optimize logging: Review your logging strategy and optimize it to reduce the number of log messages and prevent memory allocation issues.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

When troubleshooting issues with spdlog and Qt, it's essential to follow a systematic approach to identify and resolve the problem. Here are some tips and tricks to help you troubleshoot more effectively:

  1. Enable verbose logging: Enable verbose logging in spdlog to get more detailed log messages, which can help you identify the issue.
  2. Use a crash handler: Implement a crash handler in your application to catch and handle crashes, providing valuable insights into the issue.
  3. Review Qt thread handling: Verify that Qt threads are properly handled and synchronized with the logger thread.
  4. Check memory allocation: Monitor memory allocation and deallocation to identify potential issues.
  5. Simplify your code: Simplify your code and isolate the logging functionality to identify the root cause of the issue.


In conclusion, when working with spdlog and Qt, it's essential to be aware of the potential pitfalls that can lead to crashes and instability. By following the solutions and troubleshooting tips outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to handle issues and ensure a smooth and reliable logging experience in your Qt-based application.

Remember, spdlog and Qt are powerful tools that, when used correctly, can create robust and efficient applications. By understanding the intricacies of these technologies and following best practices, you'll be able to build applications that stand the test of time.

Keyword Description
spdlog A fast and lightweight logging library for C++
Qt A cross-platform application development framework
Logger instance An instance of the logger class, responsible for logging messages
Qt thread A thread managed by the Qt framework, used for executing tasks

By following this comprehensive guide, you'll be able to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to spdlog and Qt, ensuring a stable and efficient logging experience in your applications.

  • Further Reading:
  • Frequently Asked Question

    Get instant answers to the most common issues with spdlog and Qt app crashes!

    Why does my Qt app crash when I send a string to spdlog?

    This crash is often caused by the logger thread not being properly synchronized with the Qt event loop. Make sure to use the `QtDebugConsoleLogger` or `QtFileLogger` which are designed to work seamlessly with Qt. Additionally, ensure that the logger is initialized before sending any logs.

    How do I integrate spdlog with Qt's signal-slot mechanism?

    You can connect the spdlog's logger to Qt's signal-slot mechanism using `QSignalMapper`. This allows you to log messages from Qt's signals and slots. For example, you can connect a `QSignalMapper` to the `logger::sink()` and then connect the Qt signals to the `QSignalMapper`.

    Can I use spdlog with Qt's multithreading?

    Yes, spdlog is thread-safe and can be used with Qt's multithreading. However, you need to ensure that the logger is properly initialized and synchronized with the Qt event loop. You can use `QThread` to run the logger in a separate thread, and then use `QtDebugConsoleLogger` or `QtFileLogger` to log messages.

    Why do I get a segmentation fault when using spdlog with Qt?

    Segmentation faults often occur when the spdlog logger is not properly initialized or when there's a mismatch between the logger thread and the Qt event loop. Check your code for proper initialization and synchronization of the logger. Also, ensure that you're using the correct compiler flags and libraries when building your Qt application.

    How can I customize spdlog logging for my Qt application?

    You can customize spdlog logging by creating a custom logger class that inherits from `spdlog::logger`. Then, you can set up the logger to use a specific format, level, and sink (e.g., file, console, or network). Additionally, you can use spdlog's built-in features, such as log level filtering, to tailor the logging to your Qt application's needs.